The snow has finally melted and spring showers have started to hit Vancouver. For homeowners, this means a plethora of spring cleaning and home improvement tasks that need to be done in preparation for the coming months. Since 1956, Milani Plumbing has been a leader in the lower mainland for plumbing, drainage, heating and air conditioning, and our experienced technicians have a lot of great home maintenance advice for the upcoming season. Here are 3 things to check for the Spring that can help protect your investment for the coming rain and warming weather!

Check for Dusty Ducts
Have you noticed a buildup of dust in your home? It could be a result of dusty air ducts. After running your furnace or heating system for the whole winter, dust can build up in your furnace and duct system. Dust carries allergens and bacteria that can be harmful to your health. If your furnace or air conditioning ducts are dusty, they are likely spreading that dust all over your house, increasing the amount of time you spend cleaning and reducing your indoor air quality.

Flush your Drainage
The heavy precipitation of winter and spring can result in a buildup of silt and debris in your perimeter drain. Poor drainage can cause water damage to your basement and foundation when it rains. If you see water damage in the basement or ground floor of your home, a blocked drain is one of the most likely causes. You can prevent this costly damage with seasonal drainage flushing to clear any obstructions before the next rainy day hits your home.

Service your Air Conditioner
Warming weather means summer will be here soon enough. Before the hot weather arrives you’ll want to make sure your air conditioner is in good working order. You don’t want your air conditioner to fail while you’re sweating in the hot weather! Be sure that you clean any dust inside and outside the unit to prevent mechanical issues and avoid having dust blown in your face. Test its functionality before the weather starts getting hot to weed out any potential problems. If necessary, you can call a technician to make any necessary repairs.